2024. december 3. kedd

HungaroMet: 2014. március 26. 18:56

Homogenization and Interpolation Conference – 2014

12–16 May, 2014
Hungarian Meteorological Service
Budapest, Hungary

8th Seminar for Homogenization and Quality Control in Climatological Databases and

3rd Conference on Spatial Interpolation Techniques in Climatology and Meteorology

The first seven Seminars for Homogenization and Quality Control in Climatological Databases as well as the first two Conferences on Spatial Interpolation Techniques in Climatology and Meteorology were held in Budapest and hosted by the Hungarian Meteorological Service.

The 7th Seminar in 2011 was organized together with the final meeting of the COST Action ES0601: Advances in Homogenization Methods of Climate Series: an integrated approach (HOME), while the first Conference on Spatial Interpolation was organized in 2004 in the frame of the COST Action 719: The Use of Geographic Information Systems in Climatology and Meteorology. Both series were supported by WMO.

At present we plan to organize the Homogenization Seminar and the Interpolation Conference together considering certain theoretical and practical aspects.  Theoretically there is a strong connection between these topics since the homogenization and quality control procedures need spatial statistics and interpolation techniques for spatial comparison of data. On the other hand the spatial interpolation procedures (e.g. gridding) need homogeneous, high quality data series to obtain good results, as it was performed in the Climate of Carpathian Region project led by OMSZ and supported by JRC. The main purpose of the project was to produce a gridded database for the Carpathian region based on homogenized data series. The experiences of this project may be useful for the implementation of gridded databases.

Go to the homepage: www.met.hu/en/omsz/rendezvenyek/homogenization_and_interpolation/
