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Conferences, workshops

HungaroMet: 2017. május 8. 16:13

Training course on the use satellite products for drought monitoring and agricultural meteorology applications – 2017

24–28 April, 2017
Hungarian Meteorological Service
Budapest, Hungary

download [pdf: 76 KB]
Training course on the use satellite products for drought monitoring and agricultural meteorology applications” was organised by WMO, EUMETSAT, and supported by the UN-Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The course was held at the headquarters of the Hungarian Meteorological Service between 24 and 28 April 2017. On the training foreign experts, agrometeorologists and satellite researchers of national meteorological, agrometeorological and hydrological institutes from Central and Eastern Europe were participated (21 countries). During the week the participants heard about the different satellite products, such as Land SAF surface temperature, evapotranspiration, NDVI, soil moisture of H-SAF and softwares which can help in detection and operative prediction of the drought. Several presentations gave information about international projects also (DMSCEE, Copernicus, DriDanube). In the last two days participants  representing the different national institutes gave presentations about their activities in drought monitoring. The last part of the training was conversation between participants about the possibility of future partnerships.
meteorological, agrometeorological and hydrological institutes

Jose Prieto Meteosat solar channels PDF
Alirio Arboleda Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SAF/Land SAF):
Products and applications
Alirio Arboleda Vegetation monitoring in the framework of EUMETSAT Land Surface Analysis SAF
Alirio Arboleda Land SAF LSA-SAF Evapotranspiration (ET) Product PDF
Gianluca Franceschini Global Assessment of impacts of climate change on agricultural productivity –
the FAO GAEZ portal
Oscar Rojas From the Global Agriculture Drought Monitoring to Country Level using
Geospatial Information
Oscar Rojas Global near real time cropland &grassland agricultural stress index PDF
Espen Volden New Capabilities in Earth Observation for Agriculture PDF
Katarzyna Dabrowska-Zielinska Applying EO data for drought monitoring PDF
Karol Paradowski Hand on practices on products and applications PDF
Jose Camacho Drought monitoring – A framework to support drought management in SEE Europe PDF
Wolfgang Wagner DriDanube PDF
Wolfgang Wagner Satellite Application Facility in Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management –
Soil Moisture
Wolfgang Wagner Use of Remote Sensing coupled with Models in Agricultural Decision Making PDF
Jose Camacho Those drops falling from sky. How to evaluate rainfall from remote sensing
techniques and other tools
Ana Sovjanski Drought monitoring in RHMSS: drought indices and application of remote sensing 
in agricultural meteorology (FVC index)
Ana Sovjanski Application of Products from Numerical Models in Agrometeorological Forecasts and
Climate Watch System
Visnja Vucetic Forest/bush fire risk products – Croatia PDF
Oana-Alexandra Oprea Agrometeorological indices, products and remote sensing products used in
romanian drought monitoring system
Helga Tóth Biomass and Soil Moisture simulation and assimilation in Hungary
in the framework of ImagineS project
Márta Hunkár Climate change reflected in dynamics of vegetation PDF
Ferenc Kovács Vegetation and soil moisture assessments based on MODIS data to support
regional drought monitoring



Albania General view of Albania PDF
Bosnia and Herzegovina Review of Bosnia and Herzegovina Hydrometeorological Institute PDF
Bulgaria Use of satellite information in research and opearation activities at NIMH of Bulgaria PDF
Croatia Agrometeorology in Croatia PDF
Greece Agrometeorological services in Greece PDF
Macedonia Hidrometeorological service of Republic of Macedonia PDF
Moldova Agrometeorological  Service of  the Republic of Moldova. Assessment of Droughts PDF
Montenegro Use of RS products for drought monitoring PDF
Romania Drought monitoring in the Romanian Western Plain using satellite data time series PDF
Serbia Review from Serbia PDF
Slovenia Remote sensing products for drought monitoring in Slovenia PDF



List of participants

Other links:
